
Is being vegan a choice?

Is being vegan a choice?

Veganism is not a personal choice—no more than it’s a personal choice to beat children, rape women, or hate people of another race or sexuality. Once your “choices” infringe on someone else’s freedom from suffering, it’s not your choice anymore.

What are the four reasons why someone chooses to be a vegan?

Vegans abstain from eating any animal products, like meat, fish, eggs, dairy and honey.

  • Animal cruelty or the ethical argument.
  • Going green.
  • Health.
  • Personal autonomy and challenging the status quo.
  • Social media and the vegan revolution.
  • Celebrity endorsements.
  • Greater opportunities to choose vegan.

Why did you become vegan?

Being vegan is great for your health! Vegans get all the nutrients that they need to be healthy, such as plant protein, fiber, and minerals, without all the nasty stuff in meat that may slow you down and make you sick, such as cholesterol and saturated animal fat.

What happens when you become vegan?

After a few months, a well-balanced vegan diet which is low in salt and processed food may help prevent heart disease, stroke and reduce risk of diabetes. As the intake of nutrients like iron, zinc and calcium are reduced on a vegan diet, our bodies get better at absorbing them from the intestine.

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What is veganism and is it right for You?

Veganism is not just a diet, but an entire lifestyle. A vegan is not just a person who forgoes eating animals, but also who refuses to use animal products like silk and leather. In 2014, only 1\% of Americans were vegan, whereas in 2017, that number has risen to 6\%.

What is a vegan diet?

A vegan diet is a purely plant-based diet composed of fruits, vegetables, pulses and seeds. Veganism is not just a diet, but an entire lifestyle.

What percentage of Americans are vegan today?

In 2014, only 1\% of Americans were vegan, whereas in 2017, that number has risen to 6\%. However, veganism should not be confused with vegetarianism. Vegetarians do not eat animals, but they do consume animal-based products like milk, cheese and other dairy products.

Does going vegan help combat animal cruelty?

Now, coming to the argument of killing plants versus animals by going vegan, going vegan not only saves animals, bu is also environmentally more sustainable. Going vegan can help combat animal cruelty (Photo Credit : Soonthorn Wongsaita/ Shutterstock)