
Is conscription a good thing?

Is conscription a good thing?

One important advantage of conscription is that it assures a sufficient number of people in the military. Therefore, even though mandatory military service dates back many hundreds of years, it can still be important, especially with the increasing tensions between countries that might arise in the future.

In what ways was conscription considered controversial?

Conscription is controversial for a range of reasons, including conscientious objection to military engagements on religious or philosophical grounds; political objection, for example to service for a disliked government or unpopular war; sexism, in that historically only men have been subject to the draft; and …

What conscription is bad?

Conscription not only drills men’s bodies, but their minds. It makes them obedient to authority, whether right or wrong; takes away their power to think originally; makes them expert with guns, and there- fore, eager to use them; and gives them a hatred of independent thought and contempt for human life.

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What were the reasons for conscription?

Conscription merely serves to have convenient cannon fodder for imminent war. Governments should instead work on cutting military spending and provide their citizens with basic necessities such as healthcare, housing and food. Such is the benefit of the so-called ‘peace dividend.

Who opposed conscription in ww1?

The 1917 conscription debate was one of the fiercest and most divisive in Canadian political history. French-Canadians, as well as many farmers, unionized workers, non-British immigrants, and other Canadians, generally opposed the measure.

Who was against conscription?

A Momentous Debate. The 1917 conscription debate was one of the fiercest and most divisive in Canadian political history. French-Canadians, as well as many farmers, unionized workers, non-British immigrants, and other Canadians, generally opposed the measure.

Why did ww1 need conscription?

The government saw no alternative but to increase numbers by conscription – compulsory active service. Parliament was deeply divided but recognised that because of the imminent collapse of the morale of the French army, immediate action was essential. In January 1916 the Military Service Act was passed.

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Is slavery a conscription?

Slavery is involuntary servitude; conscription is involuntary military servitude; therefore not only is conscription slavery; it’s a particularly heinous form of slavery that often ends in maiming and death. “Cannot sell its conscripted soldiers … conscription offers pay.”

Which countries have military conscription?

– Bermuda – Cape Verde – China – Colombia – France – Kuwait – Mali – Singapore – Thailand – Taiwan (compulsory 3–4 months)

Does Israel require military service?

Most Israeli citizens are required to serve in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) for a period of between two and three years. Israel is unique in that military service is compulsory for both males and females. It is the only country in the world that maintains obligatory military service for women.

Is Israeli military mandatory?

The Israeli Defense Service Law (חוק שירות ביטחון) regulates these duties and exceptions. According to the Defense Service Law, the enlistment to the Israeli Defense Forces is mandatory for all Israeli citizens who have turned 18 (with the above-mentioned exemptions enshrined in the Defense Service Law).