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Is derivation of formulas important for JEE?

Is derivation of formulas important for JEE?

Learn the Derivation Of The Formulas: Learning the derivation of the formulas helps in remembering and understanding them easily. The derivations of formulae are important for IIT-JEE Advanced because questions are asked on its alternatives.

Under what conditions is mirror formula valid?

The formula connecting $$u, v$$ and $$f$$ for a spherical mirror is valid only for mirrors whose sizes are very small compared to their radii of curvature.

What is the difference between the mirror formula and the lens formula?

What is the difference between Real and Virtual Image?…Difference between Mirror and Lens.

Mirror Lens
A mirror can be plane or spherical (concave or convex) A lens is usually curved from either one or both surfaces.
Mirror formula is 1/f = 1/v + 1/u Lena formula is 1/f = 1/v – 1/u
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Is mirror formula valid only for plane mirror reason out?

No, the mirror formula is valid for plane as well as for all spherical mirrors for all positions of the object.

Is mirror formula valid for plane mirror also?

Yes, it is true. The mirror formula applicable to the plane mirror. The mirror formula applicable to all types of mirrors. Mirror formula states that the relationship integrates image distance, object distance and focal length of the mirror.

How is the lens formula derived?

Derivation of lens formula for convex lens- 1v – 1u= 1f , according to the convex lens equation. It is the relationship between a lens’ focal length and the distance between an object in front of it and the picture created by that object. It’s not enough to know the thin lens formula for convex lenses.

Is the derivation of formulas necessary to learn in preparation for IIT-JEE?

Originally Answered: Is the derivation of formulas necessary to learn in preparation for the IIT JEE? Yes dude it’s important for jee advance but not that much necessary for jee mains ,in jee mains its mostly formula based questions , in which you just need to be good at applying it

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Do we have to learn derivations in the JEE Mains?

Yes, you have to do them. But, not learn them. You should take a look at the way the result has been derived because it helps in building concepts in a very unique way because in JEE Advanced the method works, not the formulas. But, as you have asked especially for JEE Main, then you don’t need to learn the derivation.

Do we have to learn formulas in the JEE Advanced?

But it’s completely my opinion. Yes, you have to do them. But, not learn them. You should take a look at the way the result has been derived because it helps in building concepts in a very unique way because in JEE Advanced the method works, not the formulas.

Is it important to learn the derivation of any formula?

It is quite essential to learn the derivation of any formula that you are using since knowing the derivation makes you aware of most importantly increases your basics. However since you are preparing for JEE Main you need to practise as many no of problems as you can. Unless you practise no of problem you will never feel confident about any topic.