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Is Dolores the good guy or bad guy?

Is Dolores the good guy or bad guy?

Once Dolores experienced consciousness, she changed, and her innocence was lost forever. Dolores was then motivated to “free” all hosts and to live in the real world with delusions of freedom. Unfortunately, She would become a villain in the process.

What is Dolores goal Westworld?

Dolores writes a ‘real’ end Now, seeing how little beauty there really is, she lays out her ultimate goal: “I’ve died many times. But there’s only one real end. I will write this one myself.”

How will Westworld end?

In the end, Caleb chooses to force Rehoboam into deleting itself, leaving humanity untethered. The pre-credits events of the finale end with Caleb and Maeve watching as Los Angeles succumbs to explosives.

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Is Westworld set on Earth?

Granted, the whole “Westworld doesn’t take place on Earth” theory hasn’t been fully obliterated yet. After all, it takes two weeks for Strand and his team to arrive on site, following Dolores shooting up Ford and the other Delos board members in Escalante.

Who are the 5 balls in Westworld?

In other words the five orbs (which they call pearls) break down as follows:

  • 1) Charlotte Hale = Dolores Orb.
  • 2) Martin Connells = Dolores Orb.
  • 3) Dolores = Dolores Orb.
  • 4) Musashi = Dolores Orb.
  • 5) Bernard = Bernard Orb.

Is Ford the antagonist Westworld?

Ford reveals his true intention to Theresa Cullen. Dr. Robert Ford is the main antagonist in the first season of Westworld. Initially portrayed as a brilliant but caring inventor, he is eventually revealed as a cruel monster destroying everything that threatens his ideas for a perfect Westworld.

Is everyone Dolores?

Did she somehow know that Maeve would find her way to Musashi and that the unexpected familiar face would startle her? There’s a sense that Dolores is pulling the strings on everything this season — she even knew that Bernard and Stubbs would crash the party — and that she’s moving pieces around on a chess board.

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What is Dolores’ Metamorphosis on ‘Westworld’?

Season 1 of Westworld teased a metamorphosis: Dolores would come to know her own power through the process of self-awareness. Her liberation from the system would clear the path for justice. The only problem there is that now that she’s free to be what she wants, she may not want to be the savior.

Did Dolores turn heel on ‘Westworld’?

Make no mistake: Dolores has gone full Black Hat. Even Dolores’s seemingly heartfelt crusade to rescue her father could be a sign of her heel turn. It’s true that the only time this season we’ve seen Dolores’s “sweeter” side come back has been in the presence of her glitching pa, Peter Abernathy.

What if Dolores O’Riordan had a mustache?

She’s no longer dazzled by the landscape, but using monologues about burning entire herds of sickly cows to put her boyfriend’s natural nobility down. She enjoys playing with people’s lives, blowing up her soldiers just to blow up the enemy’s. If Dolores had a mustache, by this point, she would probably be twirling it.

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Does Maeve have a new voice in Westworld?

In fact, Maeve’s plan defies all reason. And as Maeve travels through Westworld and Shogunworld, hurting only those who hurt her, liberating others bound by their suffering, she is discovering a “new voice.” Her power may soon overwhelm Dolores’s, and if she harnesses the Shogun’s army, her forces might, too.