Tips and tricks

Is Duolingo enough for German A1?

Is Duolingo enough for German A1?

No according to my experience only duolingo is not enough for A1 level just because in duolingo application there is only some vocabulary part but they can not mention base rule for German language and also grammer part is not explained in application. But duolingo is very useful for boost your language learning speed.

Can you get to A2 with Duolingo?

At Duolingo, we use the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) to set goals for different proficiency levels when we design our courses. The levels are labeled A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2, and they cover increasingly complex language needs. It’s all about what you want to do with the language.

What level of German can Duolingo get you to?

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It is generally said that the Duolingo course alone will get you to about an A2 or maybe a low B1 in reading, A2 in writing, and A1 in listening. Speaking is up to you – if you practice a lot you could reach A1.

How do I get a German A1 certificate?

Goethe-Zertifikat A1: Start Deutsch 1

  1. apply for a position as an au pair in Germany.
  2. obtain evidence of the language skills required to be granted a visa to join your husband or wife in Germany.
  3. prove that you have successfully reached level A1.
  4. be issued with an official and internationally recognized certificate.

Is Duolingo enough for German A2?

Hi, Duolingo is a very good program for the first stage of learning a language or brush up on your school knowledge. Duolingo will only bring you to A2 (maybe B1) level in reading/writing. A1 (maybe A2) in listening/talking.

Is Duolingo German A2?

Hi German learners! Over the next few weeks, we’re going to be gradually testing and releasing content that goes up partway through the A2 level of German. The A2 level is an exciting level to reach. At A2, you’re going to start moving beyond the simple and direct language you were using in A1.

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Is Duolingo accurate for German?

It is accurate, but some translations in later lessons can sound slightly unnatural in everyday speech, so be careful about that. It should give you a good start, especially, and I can’t stress this enough, combined with other resources.

Is Duolingo enough for A1 level in German?

No according to my experience only duolingo is not enough for A1 level just because in duolingo application there is only some vocabulary part but they can not mention base rule for German language and also grammer part is not explained in application.

Is Duolingo’s free language learning app worth it?

Now that we’ve experienced both Duolingo and attending German language school, we are able to share the pros and cons of Duolingo’s free language learning app. Pin me on Pinterest to read later! It’s free – this is probably the biggest benefit since German school could cost anywhere between €200 – €750 per month.

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Is Duolingo good enough to prepare for Goethe exam?

You cannot depend on duolingo for your exam preparation. But yes, if it had been just for passion sake, it’s good enough for that. In order to get Goethe certification, you should visit for further information on the course and requirements.

Can I get a certificate from duduolingo?

Duolingo’s syllabus does not follow the CEFR (the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) level and therefore you won’t be able to get a formal certificate to say you have achieved a certain proficiency level in the language.