
Is east facing main door good?

Is east facing main door good?

According to vaastu shastra east is most beneficial direction. East symbolizes life as God Sun rises from this direction. Sun brings light and energy to this world and this is why east facing properties are considered best for any type of construction. Main door or main gate in east ensures good results.

Is it good to buy south facing plot?

According to Vastu Shastra, South facing houses are considered best after east facing houses. South facing properties promote owner’s wealth and make their minds relaxed and strong in financial matters. For a better and prosperous life, south facing properties are considered good.

Where should the main door be on a south facing house?

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According to vastu principles, main doors or entrances to a south-facing home must be placed in the centre of a south-facing wall or area. This is so that the energies of the home line up. Entrances towards the left of the middle point are also generally good.

Where should be the main gate of the house?

According to Vastu Shastra, the main entrance to a home is not only the entry point for the family, but also for energy. Considered as the “archway to victory and progress in life”, the main door should face north, east or in the north-east direction.

Is south east entrance good for house?

Main door Vastu direction “The main door should always be in the north, north-east, east, or west, as these directions are considered auspicious. Avoid having the main door in the south, south-west, north-west (north side), or south-east (east side) directions.

Is south east facing plot good for residence?

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The entrance of a house is very important as it determines whether the vibes entering the house are positive or negative. It also decides whether the house is auspicious or not. According to Vastu for home, the entrance of a house in the south east direction is considered a Vastu defect.

Is south east direction good for house?

Is the entrance of a house in the south direction good?

In fact, most of the novice Vastu experts simply reject a house because its entrance is in the South direction. These are nothing but Vastu myths which you should simply ignore. The truth is that a lot of successful businessmen have their entrances in the South direction.

Is it good to have a main door in east facing house?

However, if possible, you must ensure that the main door is placed as per Vastu correctly. A main door in East is also very auspicious as per Vastu. Again, depending on its placement, it can give positive or negative results in case of East facing houses as per Vastu.

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What is the direction of Your House Vastu?

The direction in which you face while stepping out of your house through the main door is the direction of your house. So, if you face south while doing so, you reside in a south facing house vastu. It goes the same for the other directions as well.

Are south facing plots suitable for everyone?

According to vastu shastra, south facing plots are not suitable for everyone. Before you begin your process of plot selection as per Vastu to construct a south facing house, you must keep in mind the purpose of buying the property as well as the business or profession of the occupants.