
Is Facebook active time accurate?

Is Facebook active time accurate?

A quick test of it for ourselves proved that Facebook is extremely slow at updating its last seen feature. We tested coming off the app and closing it completely and it took around five minutes for “active now” to change to “active 2 mins ago” – which obviously wasn’t completely accurate.

Why can’t I see how many hours or minutes ago is my friend active in Messenger but when he is online it shows that he is active?

You can’t see the “Last Active” status on Facebook Messenger either because the person has turned it off, or you’re blocked. It could also mean that the person has not been on Facebook for a long time (more than 24 hours). If the person turned off their “Last Active” status, you won’t be able to see it.

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How long do you stay active on messenger for?

This basically shows how long ago the person was online. For example, if it says 15 minutes this means that person was last active on Messenger 15 minutes back.

When active on messenger What does that mean?

Active now basically means the person is currently online and is interacting with the Facebook app. It does not, however, mean that the person is chatting with someone or even using the Facebook Messenger app.

What does active X minutes ago mean on Facebook?

Means they have checked facebook app (desktop or mobile) or messenger app few minutes ago. Facebook shows the active notification whenever there is an activity by the user either on the app or through the browser. Sometimes it also shows when a user gets any notifications. Originally Answered: What does active “x” mins ago mean?

How long is 11 hours on Facebook for active users?

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First, it will show just whole hours when it exceeds the 1 hour so even user is not active 11 and 59 minutes it can still show 11 hours. Second, when it start to count there is delay of a few minutes as I noticed. So if user is actually not active 1 hour, Facebook could count it as 50 minutes.

What does it mean when someone is active on Facebook Messenger?

When you see the “ Active Now ” or “Is Active ” status, that means that person is online using Facebook Messenger using their mobile phone (iPhone or Android app). When you see something like “ Active 10 Min Ago” as their status, that means the person was active 10 minutes ago on Facebook Messenger.

Is active now on Facebook Messenger accurate?

The app isn’t accurate so don’t worry about it. What does it mean when Facebook Messenger says active now? When you see the “ Active Now ” or “Is Active ” status, that means that person is online using Facebook Messenger using their mobile phone (iPhone or Android app).