Is FIITJEE phase test important?

Is FIITJEE phase test important?

Fiitjee phase tests never check your ability to solve problems of your class, but it checks to what extent you are studying extra topics in your syllabus… So be prepared and keep some knowledge of higher classes too. otherwise phase tests are nothing….,…

How are FIITJEE tests?

Admission Test on The test will be conducted in offline mode, however, if due to any unforeseen event or circumstances, the conduction of the exam through offline mode would not be possible, then it will be conducted through proctored online mode (can be taken from the safety of your home).

Are Fiitjee phase test proctored?

FIITJEE’s home-based proctored test’s technology is designed in a way to be completely cheat-proof. In the second tire, there is a live human proctor to supervise the students like a teacher/professor does in offline classrooms.

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Can I give Fiitjee admission test twice?

Yes. If a Student appears in FIITJEE admission test (including Big Bang Edge Test) for the second time, Scholarship if awarded, in the latter test will be scaled down by one slab so that he / she does not have any undue advantage over a fresh Student appearing for the first time.

How do I prepare for the FIITJEE phase test?

Most of the questions asked in fiitjee phase test are based directly on the concepts taught in the class itself. So the very first thing that you need to do is ….be very attentive in the class, understand each and every concept and question taught in the class and REVISE IT REGULARLY.

Are phase tests supposed to be hard?

Based of my experience, Phase Tests are meant to be hard and initial ones feel really tough and strange because we aren’t adjusted to the pattern. Mostly the level is little above the Mains and Advanced level. The questions are generally from Packages type, not the same, but similar ones; as well as from the workbooks.

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How many marks did you get in the JEE Mains test?

It depends a lot . My scores were like this in mains phase test. 301 in phase 1 , 330 in phase 2 , 325 in phase 3, 303 in phase 4 and 280 in phase 5 . Finally i ended with 310 in actual JEE exam . so it depends on the level of paper .

How do I prepare for aits from FIITJEE workbook?

Fiitjee workbook contains mostly previous year AITS questions so it’s a bit tough but it tests your concepts well. Now if u have time left , do other books like cengage , ms chahuhan , hc verma or whatever you like. Keep an eye on negative marking . Attempt the easy questions first and then move on to tough and time consuming ones.