Tips and tricks

Is French or Chinese more useful?

Is French or Chinese more useful?

According to the history, that is why French is more useful at present. And French is used in international documents more than Chinese.

What should I learn Chinese or French?

You should definitely go for French! And here’s why: There are over 280 million French speakers worldwide over 29 countries! Mandarin (I assume that is the form of Chinese that you are referring to) may be spoken by over 1.5 billion people, but it is only official in 3 countries!

Is learning French easier than Chinese?

Chinese sounds so strange, Westerners complain. The language is actually easier to acquire than romance tongues like Spanish or French because Mandarin Chinese shares a similar grammatical system with fewer commonly-used words. There is no conjugation in whatever form.

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What are the hardest languages to learn?

1) Arabic. Arabic is one of the most challenging languages to learn, and it might take years for you to take control of this particular language. 2) Japanese. Most Asian languages are ready to give a tough time to those from certain English-speaking countries. 3) Chinese Mandarin. 4) Korean. 5) Greek. 6) Icelandic. 7) Estonian. 8) Finnish. 9) Thai. 10) Norwegian.

Which language should you learn?

If you want to learn a language with a large number of speakers and which is spoken in many countries, the ones to choose in order of ‘usefulness’ are: English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), German, Japanese, Portuguese and Hindi/Urdu.

Which language should you take in college?

Arabic. With over 27 countries who name it an official language and 300 million native speakers,it’s ridiculously popular and#trending.

  • Spanish. There are more Spanish speakers in the U.S.
  • French.
  • Mandarin.
  • Computer Programming Languages.
  • American Sign Language.
  • German.
  • Japanese.
  • Korean.
  • Classics (Latin/Ancient Greek) But that’s a dead language!
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    What is the best language to speak?

    There are four official languages, the three you mention and English. Singaporeans will speak English and one of the others and possibly a 3rd. English is absolutely necessary, it is the common language and the language of business. You will not get a job if you do not speak it (well maybe a cleaner or something but not a professional job).