
Is German and Germany Same?

Is German and Germany Same?

German is the sole official language of the following countries: Germany.

Is it German or Germany?

Germany is the country. German is the demonym and the language. A PERSON or a product may be GERMAN, and the language is German. Germany: the European country whose capital is Berlin and whose language is German.

Why is German Important?

German is the second most commonly used scientific language in the world. Many of the Western world’s most important works of philosophy, literature, music, art history, theology, psychology, chemistry, physics, engineering and medicine are written in German and continue to be produced in German.

What is German useful for?

German is a useful language to know. Around 130 million people consider German their native or second language and in 2015, it was estimated that 14.5 million people were learning German worldwide. Of all EU languages, German has the most native speakers. A vast amount of scientific literature is printed in German.

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How do Germans know you are a foreigner?

Germans will know that you are a foreigner. They just do. Germans are very traditional, very hierarchical. Germans are rule-oriented in every aspect – make sure you wait at traffic lights – and prepare yourself for a lack of flexibility in rules and regulations. In Germany, rules are a way of life.

What is the most important thing to know about Germany?

3. Germans Are Punctual. Being on time is considered a virtue in Germany. They would rather be too early than too late. Punctuality is seen as a sign of respect to the person you are meeting. It does not mean that every German is good about this, but they will apologize if they arrive past the agreed-upon time.

Why does Germany have such a lot of Laws?

Germany has an abundance of laws regulating all aspects of life (see, for example, the German beer law below) and its people like to obey them. This tendency is one of the many leftovers from the values propagated by the Prussians. Prussia used to be a German kingdom known for its unusually well-organised and effective army.

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Why do Germans follow the rules?

They just do. Germans are very traditional, very hierarchical. Germans are rule-oriented in every aspect – make sure you wait at traffic lights – and prepare yourself for a lack of flexibility in rules and regulations. In Germany, rules are a way of life. German punctuality means arriving at least 10 minutes before the appointment.