
Is Google Translate confidential?

Is Google Translate confidential?

Google Translate is the most popular online translation platform and supports more than 100 languages as of today. The moment you copy and paste any text into Google Translate, the content stops being yours. This means that your confidential information is no longer confidential.

Is Google Translate reliable?

The answer to how accurate Google translate is is 85\%, according to a survey conducted by Google in 2017. Google Translate is a simple-to-use software that allows you to interact quickly and learn foreign languages.

How does Google Translate choose the best translation?

Google Translate is based on statistics — it chooses the “best” translation based on how certain words and phrases have been translated in other documents. As a result, machine translators choose the most probable translation, but not the most interesting or poetic one.

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Can Google Translate compete with human translators?

However, the very methodology upon which Google Translate is based prevents it from ever competing with human translators. Here’s why: Statistics don’t have feelings. Google Translate is based on statistics — it chooses the “best” translation based on how certain words and phrases have been translated in other documents.

What are the risks of using the Google Translate tool?

Once you enter the text in the tool, it becomes property of Google, and they can use the data to their discretion. This may result in breaches of regulations or contractual relations that you have established with your partners, customers or vendors. The level of machine translation provided is not customized to your specific business needs.

How many languages does Google Translate support?

Now it supports 103 languages and has more than 500 million users per day, 92 percent of whom come from outside the U.S. as per the official statistics provided by Google. Google Translate is a statistical machine translation service that learns from translated documents on the web to provide the best match for the text you want to translate.