
Is Halliday Resnick a good book?

Is Halliday Resnick a good book?

Resnick & Halliday is not a suitable book for the all types of students and all types exams. It is a very good book to learn the subject, suggested for toppers or who loves physics.

Is Irodov enough for advance?

No, Irodov is a very advance book. That should serve as an addition to HCV, NCERT and coaching modules.

Is Resnick Halliday good for problems?

Resnick Halliday is a gem when it comes to theoretical and conceptual understanding but lacks a bit in the problem-solving arena. Aspirants should start off a topic with Resnick Halliday for fundamental understanding and basic problem-solving.

Which is better IE Irodov or HC Verma?

Both book has there own importance. You are aiming only for jee(mains) and neet HC verma is more enough. do practice as much as possible from hc verma because in neet and jee mains questions has directly come form hc verma if you want to do more practice than go for irodov only for questions practice.

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Which one is better rescnick Halliday or Irodov?

Rescnick Halliday is more towards experimental physics. If you want to become a physicist or a researcher in physics then go for Rescnick Halliday and forget exams. Irodov is an overrated book. Once you finish HCV and DCP , you can solve Irodov easily.

What is your review of Resnick and Halliday’s book Resnick & Halliday?

Resnick & Halliday is a book that creates interest in the subject by giving real life applications. It is a better book for learning the subject Physics and suitable for only some people who have their foundation already set. It is a universal book for JEE which can be used by every student from lowest to the highest ranking students.

Which is the best book for solving Irodov?

Irodov – If you understood NCERT and Resnick, you should be able to solve majority of I E Irodov. All the best ! You can safely rely on HC Verma and/or Resinck Halliday as both books have stood the test of time. The problems is IE Irodov are little complex and you need to master the concepts before attempting them.

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Should I read Irodov or rescnick Halliday to become a physicist?

Rescnick Halliday is more towards experimental physics. If you want to become a physicist or a researcher in physics then go for Rescnick Halliday and forget exams. Irodov is an overrated book. Once you finish HCV and DCP , you can solve Irodov easily. Book a free one-on-one private trial coding class today.