Tips and tricks

Is Herbalife actually good for you?

Is Herbalife actually good for you?

BOTTOM LINE: The Herbalife diet is pricey and involves highly processed shakes and many supplements, some of which have been linked to negative health effects. Short-term use likely causes weight loss, but long-term effectiveness is yet to be studied.

How would you describe Herbalife?

Herbalife is a US company that sells weight loss, weight management, personal care, health, food/dietary, and nutritional supplement products. The Company has been on a mission for nutrition—changing people’s lives with great nutrition products and programs since 1980.

What is the ratings on Herbalife?

Customer reviews

5 star 77\%
4 star 10\%
3 star 6\%
2 star 3\%
1 star 5\%

How good is Herbalife?

Benefits of Herbalife It’s easy and convenient. Meal replacement shakes like the ones used in the Herbalife diet can be attractive for busy people or those who lack the time or interest to Soy-based shakes may be good for your heart. A soy-free, dairy-free formula is available.

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Do Herbalife products really work?

Obviously, anyone who is taking Herbalife products can experience good results only if he or she will eat healthy foods along with proper and regular exercise. Herbalife products specifically the Formula 1 shakes works by providing the following benefits: It helps in improving the metabolism of the body .

What are the dangers of Herbalife?

Many users of Herbalife filed lawsuits and complaints about side effects they experienced when using Herbalife. Some even proclaimed that Herbalife harmed them. Headaches, constipation, diarrhea, feeling light headed, nausea, and stomach upsets are some reported side effects.

What are some side effects of Herbalife?


  • a main ingredient in Herbalife has known to cause: psychosis
  • tremors
  • kidney stones
  • high blood pressure; sweats; rapid heart beats
  • damage to the heart
  • other organs