Tips and tricks

Is high school necessary for college?

Is high school necessary for college?

In California, you only need to be 18 years or older to attend a community college. A high school diploma is not required, though you may have to take remedial courses offered by the college and some majors, such as engineering, may require a GED before you can transfer to a four-year university.

Does high school matter for college?

Colleges do consider fall grades, and even after admission your high school classes and grades still matter. Though it is far more common for a school to request a senior year schedule, there are many colleges that will ask for final grades. Get our tips for keeping your grades up during college application season.

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Does high school help with college?

After examining a nationally representative database of U.S. students and controlling for academic, demographic, and individual-level variables, they found that, on average, advanced high school courses do little to prepare students to succeed in college courses.

Is high school or college more important?

For the majority of American children, high school is more important than college. For most young people, high school is the end of formal education. Moreover, about a million children who begin kindergarten every year do not remain in school past the eighth or ninth grades.

Does going to a better high school matter?

Yes … to a degree. Most research has shown that individual students matter more than the school they graduate from. Basically a great student that graduates from a poor school will be just as successful if they graduated from a good high school. That being said your peer group also influences you a lot.

Why is high school so important?

High school is one of the most important and impactful times in a person’s life, and it can really set teens up for their future careers and adult lives.

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What is the most important year of high school for college?

The main reason that junior is the most important year for your college applications is because it’s the last full year of high school that colleges see. It also represents you at your most mature—since teens grow a lot year by year, junior year is the best way for colleges to extrapolate what you’ll be like as an adult.

How can high tech high schools improve college admissions?

Making sure the information is relevant and useful to admissions teams is key—something High Tech High schools have achieved by asking college admissions officers to provide feedback on the content of their school profile.

Why is it important to have a high school diploma?

Knowing you have a diploma makes you a good role model to younger siblings, or your own kids and grandkids, which will encourage them to stay in school (the circle of life). Plus finishing high school gives you the chance to learn a variety of things.