
Is hookah legal in Kolkata?

Is hookah legal in Kolkata?

One needs to have a licence to sell tobacco and there are also some rules regarding the place where one can smoke it. For instance, smoking is banned in open spaces, which some of these hookah bars flout. Besides, minors should not be sold tobacco under the Copta.

How can I get hookah license in Kolkata?

Eligibility for Hookah bar License

  1. Large space must be given to the restaurant in comparison to shisha lounge.
  2. CCTV should be there to store footage for at least 3 months.
  3. Must hold at least one-year-old food license.
  4. Within the reach of 500m, no educational center, school, hospital or place of worship should be there.

How do you start a hookah Parlour?

To obtain such a license, an application has to be made to police commissioner. The commissioner may grant the permission subject to conditions that- teenagers should not be allowed . Ingredients used in hookah should be permissible and should not be against anti-tobacco law.

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How do I open up a hookah shop?

Start a hookah lounge by following these 10 steps:

  1. STEP 1: Plan your business.
  2. STEP 2: Form a legal entity.
  3. STEP 3: Register for taxes.
  4. STEP 4: Open a business bank account & credit card.
  5. STEP 5: Set up business accounting.
  6. STEP 6: Obtain necessary permits and licenses.
  7. STEP 7: Get business insurance.
  8. STEP 8: Define your brand.

How do I start a hookah Parlour?

Majority of the space is used as a restaurant. You cannot have shisha lounge alone….License From Police Commissioner For Hookah Parlor

  1. To obtain such a license, an application has to be made to police commissioner.
  2. The commissioner may grant the permission subject to conditions that- teenagers should not be allowed .

Is hookah business profitable?

How much profit can a hookah lounge make? A hookah lounge can make quite a lot of money, if it’s successful. Average profits are about $150,000.

How much does it cost to open a hookah bar in India?

You cannot have a shisha lounge alone. A restaurant is a must. CCTV that can store footage for up to 3 months….Hookah Parlour License Process.

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GST Registration Approx. Rs. 1,000/-
MSME Registration Approx. Rs. 5000
Shop & EstablishProprietorship Approx. Rs. 5000

Which hookah brand is best?

Top 10 Hookahs Of 2018

  • Oduman N3.
  • Starbuzz Carbine Hookah.
  • Regal Queen Redwood Hookah.
  • Shika Legend Hookah.
  • Wookah Walnut Hookah.
  • Khalil Mamoon Mini Beast.
  • Mya Qt Hookah.
  • Oduman N2 Travel. Another Oduman!