
Is it a good idea to wait for someone?

Is it a good idea to wait for someone?

Whatever it is you are waiting for should not keep you waiting if it’s truly worth it and you should always ask yourself if you are waiting for something that may never happen. Waiting for someone means that you are okay with that person treating you like you are not important or that you don’t deserve their time.

How long is a reasonable time to wait for someone?

My rule of thumb for how long you should wait for someone who is late is 25 to 30 minutes. It is no different for family or friends than it is for your boss or a professor. After 30 minutes, you are good to go with no apology.

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What makes someone worth waiting for?

Someone is worth waiting for when you are not only sure of what they mean to you, but also who they are; we don’t want to wait for someone we don’t think can take care of us emotionally and physically when the wait is over, so be sure of the person before anything else. What’s the best platform for mass and online collaboration on a project?

What are the downsides of waiting for someone you can love?

The only major downside of waiting for someone you can love is if your criteria are too restrictive, which leads to rejecting people you might otherwise be compatible with. 4. It’s ok to wait, if you’re open to meeting others

Why do I have to wait so long for someone?

Another thing to keep in mind is that waiting for someone allows to clear your mind and figure out if you yourself actually like that person. It could just be a temporary moment of passion that will quickly evaporate once you get over it. 1.

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Should you wait for someone who doesn’t care?

It’s one thing to wait for a person who makes an honest effort for you, but quite another to wait for somebody who doesn’t seem to care. Another thing to keep in mind is that waiting for someone allows to clear your mind and figure out if you yourself actually like that person.