
Is it a person and I or a person and me?

Is it a person and I or a person and me?

Therefore, the subject pronoun, I, is considered correct. You will certainly hear native speakers say, “Jenny and me,” and it may be acceptable in spoken English, but most traditional grammarians and English teachers will disapprove.

Has been chosen or was chosen?

What I will say is that “was” puts more emphasis on the specific point in the past; you are happy that at that point they chose YOU. “Have been” puts more emphasis on the part after that point; you are happy that you were chosen, AND puts the reader in mind that the decision has present implications.

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Which is correct Bob and me or Bob and I?

If the phrase is the subject, then “Bob and I” is correct. If the phrase is an object, then “Bob and me” is correct. Grammatically speaking, “me and Bob” could be used as an object, but it is considered rude to name oneself first, so “Bob and me” is preferred on the basis of etiquette.

Is being chosen grammatically correct?

Yes this can be considered a complete sentence without any problem. Being chosen is a gerund phrase and is the subject of the sentence. A gerund phrase will begin with a gerund, an ing word, and will include other modifiers and/or objects.

How do you use choose and chose in a sentence?

Using choose and chose correctly is important for the context of your sentence, i.e. when the action of choosing took place. Some more original examples of choose and chose in English: I can’t choose between candy and ice cream; they’re both delicious. We chose both candy and ice cream when we went to the movies last week.

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Is there a free grammatically correct sentence checker?

Also, free grammatically correct sentence checker will allow you to detect these grammar errors at no time and find out how to fix them at once. Many people rely on the checker provided by Microsoft Word, but this program is notoriously unreliable in catching all mistakes and is known for making suggestions that are simply incorrect.

Is “he put suntan lotion on him and me” correct grammar?

You would also say, “I went to the store.” “He put suntan lotion on him and me” would be correct because him and me are objects. Specifically, they are objects of the preposition on. “He put suntan lotion on him” is obviously correct rather than “on he.” You would also say, “He put suntan lotion on me,” not “on I.” Select the correct sentence. 1A.

What is the best way to check grammar?

Eliminate grammar errors. With a free grammar check, you can scan your writing for hundreds of types of English grammar mistakes. Apply suggested corrections instantly and enjoy the confidence of knowing your work is polished and error-free. Fix tricky spelling errors. A regular spell-check can catch misspelled words, but Grammarly goes further.