
Is it bad to dorm with your best friend?

Is it bad to dorm with your best friend?

By choosing to room with your best friend, you may be preventing yourself from starting fresh and having new experiences with different people. It’s good to be in touch with people you know, but be sure to remain open to others as well.

Is it a good idea to become roommates with your best friend?

Though it’s universally considered a bad idea from many who have tried it before, moving in with a best friend can sometimes seem like just the thing you need in your life. But if you’re not careful, the realities of sharing a living space can weigh down even the strongest friendship bonds.

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Can you be roommates with your friend in college?

Most colleges have a housing form that all freshmen-to-be who plan to live on campus must complete. Often this form will allow you to include the name of an intended roommate. In such cases, if you put your best friend’s name on this form and then your friend puts yours, you will be able to room together.

Should I live with my best friend?

Since you already do everything together, living apart might be a good idea. It allows you to focus on yourself and expand your horizons. However, if you and your best friend are good at giving each other space and seeing other people, rooming together might be a great option.

Do colleges let you pick roommates?

If you want or need a roommate, you can select a specific person (if you have a friend going to the same school) or the college can choose one for you. To match you with a roommate, colleges use a housing questionnaire. They ask you personal questions about your lifestyle and living habits.

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Is it better to have a roommate or a BFF?

Con: A great friend doesn’t always equal a great roommate Just because you’re great friends, doesn’t mean you’d be ideal roommates. Often times, friends are opposites of one another. It may be better to choose someone by focusing on similar living qualities that you respect versus your BFF.

Should I room with my best friend when applying to college?

Everyone tells college students to get out of their comfort zone, discover new things, and make new friends. So when I was applying to colleges in 2015, everyone told me to not go to the same school as my best friend, and if we did, we definitely shouldn’t room together.

Is it better to have friends in high school or college?

Con: You could get stuck in high school The whole point of college is to meet new people, gain new experiences and broaden your horizons. While it may be comforting having a friend by your side, you don’t want to hold yourself back from making new friends and having new experiences.

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Is it good to keep in touch with friends after high school?

While it may be comforting having a friend by your side, you don’t want to hold yourself back from making new friends and having new experiences. It’s great to keep in touch with the high school gang, but make sure you’re trying to gain new friends, too. Pro: You can plan your room together Who doesn’t want to have an awesome pad?