
Is it bad to keep letters from ex?

Is it bad to keep letters from ex?

If you’re going to keep your old letters, you should ask yourself honestly why you’re doing it. “Old love letters seem to serve a purpose to remind a person why they were attractive or desired by a past person. They’re beautiful and sentimental but there is no value but to remind you about a highlight in your life.

How do you store love notes?

If you decide to store your letters and cards in a closet, a plastic bin or a canvas lidded box would work well or even an archival safe paperboard box. A more decorative container would work well in a living or public space like your family room, den or even your bedroom.

Should you keep pictures of Your Ex while dating another man?

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Additionally, if you have a new boy/girl friend, then keeping pictures of you and your ex lying around the house, or in your wallet – is not an acceptable form of behavior under any circumstances. While you can keep the pictures, they should be boxed up and out of the every day view of your current mate.

Should you archive pictures of Your Ex after a breakup?

If you’re the one who decided to end things and there is no bad blood between you two, then, according to Masini, there is nothing wrong with deciding to archive the pictures of you and an old lover. But it’s still a good idea to think twice about having them displayed openly.

Why do women keep pictures of their exes?

After all, this person was part of your history – and is part of who you are today. Women, being the sentimental type tend to hold onto pictures of their ex and of past relationships to serve as reminders of their past.

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Should you get rid of old photos of your ex-girlfriend?

Last but not least, if you start dating someone new, you really should get rid of old photos. It should be common sense: you’ve finally moved on and found a person who loves you and is better for you than your ex, so you want new photos with them, not old photos with the person who broke your heart or whose heart you broke, right?