Is it bad to wear 2 elastics?

Is it bad to wear 2 elastics?

The Do’s and the Don’ts DON’T – Double up on elastics as this will cause too much pressure on the tooth or teeth and can actually harm the root of the tooth. DO – Always wash your hands before removing or replacing the rubber bands.

Can you double up on rubber bands at night?

In addition to NOT moving the teeth, this part-time wear will keep your teeth constantly sore. Just do the right thing and wear them 24/7! NEVER DOUBLE UP ON YOUR ELASTICS, even if you skip a day of wear. It may seem to make sense, but will actually SLOW DOWN tooth movement and your progress.

What happens if you put 2 elastics on braces?

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If you double up on your elastics, you can damage your teeth. The added pressure created by the elastics can slow down the tooth’s movement and damage the roots. Elastics come in different strengths, everything from light to extra heavy.

Is it bad to wear elastics with braces?

Wearing Your Elastics with Your Braces. The pressure from the elastics moving your teeth and jaw will cause some discomfort, but over time, it should start to minimize. Over-the-counter pain medicine may be taken if the elastics are causing any kind of discomfort. Sometimes the rubber bands can break while in your mouth.

How often should you change elastics with braces?

Wearing Your Elastics with Your Braces. Even if they aren’t broken, you should change your elastics at least every 8-12 hours to make sure you’re using rubber bands with the highest strength. The pressure from the elastics moving your teeth and jaw will cause some discomfort, but over time, it should start to minimize.

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Do I need to wear elastics?

Things would be much simpler for us and for you guys if you would just wear them. Let me quickly explain why elastics are important. The braces and wires will get your top teeth straight and your bottom teeth straight, but the elastics will make the top and bottom teeth fit together and touch the way they are supposed to.

What are elastics for teeth?

The other type of elastics is interarch rubber bands. These are used to correct your bite alignment. These will be hooked on each side of your mouth, stretching from your top canines to your bottom molars or vice versa depending on your bite.