Tips and tricks

Is it better to apply for jobs at night or in the morning?

Is it better to apply for jobs at night or in the morning?

The in-depth study found that 30\% of candidates who applied on Mondays received an interview. That might not sound like much, but it’s the highest out of any day of the week. So Monday is your best option for applying online.

Is it bad to submit job applications at night?

An online job application isn’t something you want to rush through. It’s fine to complete it late at night, but just make sure you’re committed to staying awake for a while, so you can fill out all fields carefully.

What does it take to get a job at Google?

Working for Google is a great opportunity to gain new experience and learn in a supportive environment. To get a job there, you’ll need to go through an extensive application process. Make sure your resume is up-to-date and reflects the skills needed for your desired job, and take time filling out your application.

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Should I apply for other jobs at Google before interviews?

Sidenote: Most Googlers applied for other roles at Google before they eventually made it to interviews — not getting a role can often be a matter of timing, rather than a reflection of your skills or qualifications. So if things don’t work out with your first application, don’t let that stop you from applying to other roles in the future.

When is the best time of year to apply for jobs?

These months are still very good times to apply for jobs, for a few reasons. The surge in hiring in Jan and Feb usually keeps some momentum until summer arrives (more on that in the next section). So March, April and May are still great times to try to line up a ton of interviews and land a new job. However, it also means there’s more competition.

How do I apply for a job on Glassdoor?

You’ll find Google’s open positions on its Glassdoor profile, complete with job descriptions and salary estimates, where they’re available. When you find the right job, you can also apply through Glassdoor by clicking on the “Apply Now” button on the job listing page.