Is it better to be on the floor at a concert?

Is it better to be on the floor at a concert?

There is no firm answer as to whether floor seats are worth the money or not. It all depends on the concertgoer and what is important to them when it comes to a concert experience. If being close to the artist listening to loud music and dancing with a large crowd is your idea of fun, then floor seats are worth it.

Does General admission mean standing?

General Admission (GA) refers to seating or standing areas that are not assigned or reserved, and are occupied on a first-come, first-served basis.

Why is it bad to be in the front of a concert?

If a concert is general admission, the people in front earned their spots. They got there early and laid claim to their space. The people all the way in front might have even spent all day camped out by the doors, so when the lights go off and you shove your way to the front, you’re being a huge asshole.

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Can you yell at someone to sit down at a show?

Yelling “Sit down!” at people who are standing up. This is a real problem at theater and arena shows that attract fans over the age of, say, 40. Nobody can quite agree when to stand or when to sit down. Inevitably, there are some people standing right in front of people that wish to remain seated.

What does it mean when you see a janitor at a concert?

At pretty much any big concert, you’ll see a janitor emerge after a couple of songs with a big broom and a bucket of sawdust. It means somebody puked. It’s a bummer for the puker, but the people all around have to deal with the aftermath.

Are rock concerts becoming more unruly?

Going to rock concerts has always meant dealing with a bunch of unruly people, many of them very drunk – but it seems like lately things have been worse than ever. Attention spans are at an all-time low, and the ubiquity of smartphones has resulted in a huge percentage of the audience at any given show barely paying attention to the action onstage.