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Is it correct to say speak with you?

Is it correct to say speak with you?

Both are correct carrying different meanings. Speak with shows interactive conversation while speak to shows one-sided conversation and may involve authority. Speak with you: Each speaks. Speak to you: One speaks.

Which preposition goes with speak?

Speak and talk with prepositions We usually use to after speak and talk. In more formal situations, people sometimes use with: I need to speak to you about this conference next week. I was talking to Richard Moss the other day about the golf club.

Did anyone spoke or speak?

“Did you speak to him?” is correct. Speak is the present tense of the verb, while spoke is the past tense. So when you ask someone if they ‘did’ something, you’re asking if they did something in the past. (‘Did’ is the simple past tense of ‘do’).

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Can I talk to you or with you?

Of course, both are grammatically correct. But there is a subtle difference in their meaning. “talking to” can mean that one person is talking and the other is merely listening ; it is one way communication. In the case of “talking with,” the implication is of a conversation, a two-way communication .

What are the differences between “to talk” and “to speak”?

What is the difference between Speak and Talk? In British English use of ‘to’ together with the verb speak or talk is stressed. On the other hand, American English prefers the use of the preposition ‘with’ in the case of the verb speak. One of the main differences between speak and talk is that speak is more formal in usage and talk is more informal in usage.

Is it speak or talk?

The noun form of speak is speech. Then, talk is used as a verb as well as a noun. The origin of talk lies in the Middle English. On the other hand, the origin of speak lies in the Old English word sprecan. There are phrases that use the verb speak as not to speak of, so to speak, speak for oneself, etc.

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What is the definition of speak?

Speak is defined as to say words, talk or verbally deliver a message. An example of to speak is to give a speech at graduation. YourDictionary definition and usage example.