Is it easy to get 90 percentile in JEE mains?

Is it easy to get 90 percentile in JEE mains?

Talking about the average score, 90 percentile is not something much difficult to achieve as suggested by Prof. Uma Sankar. All one has to do is correctly attempt 7-8 questions in each section out of 25.

Can we score 90th percentile in JEE Mains 20 days?

Answer. Yes you can surely get 90 percentile.

Can I get 99 percentile in JEE Mains 2 months Quora?

IN ORDER TO GET A 99\%ile+ NTA SCORE YOU NEED TO SCORE 210+ AT LEAST. For BOARD EXAMS you are supposed to study NCERT textbooks. 90–95\% of the question paper of CHEMISTRY in JEE Main & Advanced is set directly from NCERT.

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Which college can I get with 90 percentile in JEE Mains 2021?

Best Colleges for 90-80 Percentile in JEE Mains

  • NIT Raipur. Electrical Engineering.
  • NIT Jalandhar. Civil Engineering.
  • NIT Durgapur. Bio-Technology.
  • NIT Goa. Electronics and Communication Engineering.
  • NIT Meghalaya. Mechanical Engineering.
  • NIT Puducherry. Civil Engineering.
  • NIT Agartala. Bioengineering.

How is 90+ scored in JEE?

Prepare very well for JEE Advanced level problems….Last few tips to score good marks

  1. Read Books / Attend Class regularly.
  2. Make notes / short notes properly.
  3. Revise and Practice Questions.
  4. Build your Concepts and Confidence.
  5. Mark Important Questions.

What is the minimum marks required to score 90 percentile in JEE Mains?

It can be said based upon the previous trend of a few years that in order to score 90 percentile, candidates need to have a score of at least 70 to 75 marks. However, this is just the probable range of marks because it varies for particular sessions.

When will the JEE Mains 2021 result be announced?

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The JEE Mains 4th session exam was held on August 26, 27, 31, and September 1 & 2, 2021. The result for session 4 will be announced by September 13, 2021. When we look at the NTA JEE Main scorecard, only the percentile scores in each subject and the total percentile score of the candidates is mentioned.

How many chapters can I leave behind in JEE Mains?

You can leave behind at Max 2–3 chapters from all subjects combined. To score a 99+ in jee mains first you must solve last 15 years jee mains papers. Evaluate how many marks you are getting in last year papers.

What is the rank mentioned in the NTA JEE Main scorecard?

When we look at the NTA JEE Main scorecard, only the percentile scores in each subject and the total percentile score of the candidates is mentioned. The rank is not mentioned on the result/scorecard for February, March, and April/July exams.