
Is it easy to learn tarot reading?

Is it easy to learn tarot reading?

Learning to read Tarot can be exciting and overwhelming, often at the same time. While many new Tarot readers struggle with confidence – you don’t have to be a psychic or talk to fairies, or even memorise all 78 cards and their various meanings to learn and read Tarot for yourself, or for others. There’s a better way.

How long does it take to study tarot?

How long does it take to learn the meanings of the cards? It takes about a month to 6 months to just learn the meanings by heart subjective to your practice. The more you practise, the quicker you memorise.

Can I charge my tarot cards in the sun?

And if your cards ‘tell’ you to charge them in such energies, then by all means go for it! And with the Sun, there are no Phases to consider. You can charge your cards in a couple of hours and are pretty much good to go!

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What happens in a tarot reading?

What happens in a tarot reading. Most tarot readings start with a question or area of focus such as career or relationship. The question can be as simple as Tell me what I need to know right now. The person asking the question is the querent. The person reading the cards is the reader. They can be the same person.

Are tarot card readers serious people?

But the majority of tarot people I know are serious artists, therapists and craftsmen. They love tarot, enjoy what they are doing and believe it a positive thing for them and the people they work with. They’re the real deal. Most tarot readings start with a question or area of focus such as career or relationship.

Are You being fooled by tarot people?

Just because someone says you’re being fooled when you know you’re not doesn’t make the other person wrong. They may just have more information than you. With few exceptions, tarot people are thoughtful, caring and sensitive. They’re not the kind of people who think of themselves as hated – except by the narrow-minded.

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Are tarot cards like poker cards?

In the Tarot of Marseilles and tarot decks used to play the game of tarot, the pips resemble poker cards. In the Rider-Waite tarot, Thoth and other decks intended for divination (reading), all 78 cards have distinct images. In my experience tarot reading by a sincere practitioner is effective.