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Is it easy to manipulate an INTJ?

Is it easy to manipulate an INTJ?

INTJs are extremely difficult to manipulate, and often are great at sensing when someone is attempting to sway their actions. INTJs prefer to make their own independent choices, and require plenty of facts and date to be swayed in any way.

What happens when you manipulate an INTJ?

Someone attempting to use emotions and feelings to confuse or manipulate the INTJ is actually going to backfire quickly. They don’t focus on feelings as a means of making choices and so when someone tries to play into this it can only make them more likely to avoid that person.

Can INTJs be highly sensitive?

While INTJs may not see themselves as emotionally sensitive, they are often sensitive in other ways. They may for instance, be easily overstimulated or overwhelmed by external stimuli, such as crowded or noisy environments.

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What is the difference between an INTJ and a psychopath?

INTJ are usually not very ’emotionally matured’ and thus, psychopath can manipulate such INTJ. But INTJ have strong gut feel and thus, they will see this manipulation and can run away- soon, if not even before manipulation. INTJ on the other hand are more intelligent than psychopath.

How do intjs act when someone tries to manipulate them?

They can certainly use this as a means of shooting out little emotional jabs to people around them, making those people feel somewhat insecure around the INTJ. INTJs can become instantly suspicious of someone who seeks to manipulate them, as they don’t naturally focus on emotions but instead focus on logic.

Do intjs show emotion in front of ordinary people?

In most situations, INTJs will choose not to show emotion in the presence of Ordinary People. An INTJ may choose, however, to reveal some emotion to close friends or a significant other. Due to misunderstandings or bullying as a child, if the INTJ has learned emotional intelligence at all,…

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How do INTJ’s affect society?

INTJs often go against the grain of society with their dominant introverted intuition and auxiliary extroverted thinking, breaking apart everything society holds near and dear to their heart because of their respect for traditions (introverted sensing).