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Is it good to take computer science in high school?

Is it good to take computer science in high school?

Since we perceive rapid changes in nearly every field, students need mental dexterity and adaptable skills. A high-quality computer science course in high school can help students develop these traits — and succeed in life.

Should I take a computer science class in college?

Computer science is an ideal choice for students who enjoy math and problem-solving. Majoring in this field can lead to lucrative careers that will remain in high demand. A four-year computer science degree is challenging, but well worth the investment.

Should I take AP computer science in high school?

AP courses, run by the College Board, give high school students a chance to gain college credit in computer science. Students who take AP computer science in high school are twice as likely to pursue computer science in college. In turn, computer science graduates have the highest paying jobs of any industry.

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Should high school students enroll in computer science classes?

Indeed, computer science programs for high school students can prepare teenagers for college and career by introducing transformative life skills. This article will examine the impact of this escalating interest in technology and explore three reasons why high school students should enroll in computer science classes:

What are the different levels of Computer Science Education?

A breakdown of computer science information and resources at each level: elementary school, middle school and high school. A detailed look at college prep. Specifically, how high school students can ready themselves for advanced computer science study at the post-secondary level.

Should kids learn computer science before or after college?

Many experts in computer science education tout skill development before college as the key to success. Students as young as six and seven are learning the logic behind computer programs and, in some cases, how to create simple programs of their own.

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Do high schools offer Computer Science Advanced Placement tests?

In 2011, just five percent of high schools across the country offered an Advanced Placement test in the subject. This gap has forced students to seek computer science education elsewhere. The following guidebook helps students and parents identify and understand the multitude of opportunities available for learning computer science before college.