Tips and tricks

Is it hard being a Kpop trainee?

Is it hard being a Kpop trainee?

The life of a trainee can be hard and tiring. Many trainees may give up their dreams of becoming a kpop star but it can be hard giving up their dream too. When a trainee is accepted into a company they have to sign a contract with the company and if they want to give up and leave the company it can be difficult.

What happens in Kpop trainee?

The trainee process lasts for an indefinite period of time, ranging from months to years, and usually involves vocal, dance, and language classes taken while living together with other trainees, who sometimes attend school at the same time, although some trainees drop out of school to focus on their careers.

What skills do K-pop trainees have?

Most K-pop trainees are great at one of the following skills: singing, dancing, or rapping. Make sure to have one really strong skill and a familiarity with everything else. For example, if you are strongest at dancing, take classes and hone that skill as best as you can, but also don’t neglect to work on your singing and rapping, too.

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Can a non-Korean trainee work in Kpop?

Though many companies will accept non-Korean trainees, you will still be catering to a largely Korean audience. It’s smart to learn about the culture if you aren’t already familiar. Study popular K-pop groups, spend time on Korean fashion websites, and read up on etiquette and social norms.

Why do K-pop idols have so much debt?

Because of the aforementioned “trainee debt” and the contracts that can be very disadvantageous for idols. A “trainee debt” is the money that idols “owe” their companies for dance and singing classes, housing, foods, promotions, upport staff, etc.

What does it take to become a K-pop star?

Achieving fame as a K-pop star involves years of intensive training, and often some plastic surgery. Euodias is one of the few British hopefuls to have experienced the gruelling life of a K-pop trainee.