
Is it illegal to send inappropriate messages?

Is it illegal to send inappropriate messages?

Sexting that occurs consensually between two adults is not considered to be a sexual offence and neither of the parties concerned are breaking any laws. However, if a person is sent sexually explicit material and they are not wanted, the sender could potentially be subject to harassment charges.

Is texting a girl underage illegal?

It is legal to text her provided that there is no sexual content to the text, no exchange of naked pictures, or pornography.

Is it illegal to text with a minor?

It is important to know that while sexting between consenting adults is not illegal, sending or receiving a sexually suggestive text or image to or from a person under the age of 18 is considered sexual exploitation or child pornography and can result in criminal charges.

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Is texting a 15 year old illegal?

Yes, it’s illegal. There is a good chance that the girl you were talking to was actually a law enforcement officer. They like to go on line and pretend to be under-age girls and try to entrap people.

Why do people accidentally text other people’s names?

To make it seem more plausible, the woman’s name who you intended to text could be similar to hers, and therefore the two names would presumably be close together in your phone’s address book, making it more likely to accidentally text the target. For example, if your target’s name is “Anna,” you could address your text with “Hey Angela.”

Is it against the law to show Intimate Images in Canada?

In Canada, it is against the criminal law for anyone to… Show a picture of someone else, who is privately doing a sexual act, is naked or exposing an intimate body part, without that person’s permission. Threaten to show intimate images of someone else to force them to do or not do something. This is called extortion.

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Is it illegal to take pictures of someone without their consent?

It is illegal to view, keep, make, post or send these types of pictures or videos. Take a picture/video of someone else who is under 18, showing sexual parts of their body that is intended to be sexually exciting, without their consent.

Is it against the law to share sexual images of yourself?

For youth under 18 years old, taking and sharing sexual images can also be against the law, even if the youth agrees to have the images shared with others or if the images are of yourself (see more information below). Read more below to learn what Canadian law says about sharing sexual/intimate pictures or videos.