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Is it normal to feel lonely after a narcissist discard you?

Is it normal to feel lonely after a narcissist discard you?

It’s normal to feel this way after the discard phase. The intense loneliness will subside with time as you grow and heal from this toxic experience. In this vulnerable state, you must be sure NOT to have ANY contact with the narcissist or they will continue to prey on your emotions.

How long does narcissistic trauma last?

The anxiety, trauma and PTSD can last a lifetime if one does not properly cut ties with their psychopathic tormentor and follow through with a specific plan for recovery. However, this path can be a mystery to most victims of narcissists who’ve been discarded and dismantled.

Should you ever contact your narcissist ex?

If you can’t handle the feelings of loneliness right now and you are tempted to contact your narcissist ex, you are inviting an even greater doom into your current state of misery. It’s like the drug addict or alcoholic who cannot handle the withdrawal symptoms so they turn back to the very same substance that caused their demise.

What happens when you go no contact with a narcissist?

If you’re no longer bringing value to them, then they really don’t have any use for you. But they can be discarding you and still have use for you because they can make you squirm. Thus, if you turn around and you reject that narcissist, and you go no contact, you are basically cutting off their supply.

Why do narcissists take rejection so hard?

They’re the ones that actually have an overlay of an antisocial personality and paranoia. And so they tend even take rejection or no contact so much worse. One thing that you should know is that rejection is the thing that narcissists fear the most. That’s the one thing they do not want to happen to them.

What happens when a narcissist becomes disenchanted with you?

In your mind, everything was going along swimmingly when out of nowhere, the narcissist became disenchanted with the relationship. Suddenly, all the little things they first loved about you became the bane of their existence. Then, the narcissist started dropping hints about other people who were interested in them.