
Is it OK to be high maintenance?

Is it OK to be high maintenance?

Being high-maintenance, for me, is synonymous with being truly myself. It’s efficient, too, because more often than not, I get what I want the first time around. Being high-maintenance can actually make you more chilled out in a lot of ways too.

What does it mean if your high maintenance?

also high maintenance. adjective. If you describe something or someone as high-maintenance, you mean that they require a lot of time, money, or effort. Small gardens can be high maintenance.

How do you become a low maintenance person?

Find a Low-Maintenance Person (LMP)!

  1. 1) Self-sufficient.
  2. 2) Lived on their own at some point in their life.
  3. 3) Don’t complain about others.
  4. 4) Have friends — good friends.
  5. 4) Have done personal work.
  6. 5) Have a job.
  7. 6) Easy-going personality.
  8. 7) Willing to work on the relationship.

Are high maintenance girls good?

High maintenance girls put a tremendous amount of thought and energy into their appearance. They’re makeup masters, wouldn’t be caught dead without their nails done, and can always be trusted to wear the perfect outfit for every occasion.

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What makes a girl low maintenance?

Low maintenance means she doesn’t have fake hair, fake nails, fake, fake, fake. She has lot of faddish clothes, lots of clothes, She wears high heels and doesn’t want to go hiking.

How do you know if you are a high maintenance person?

1. You always look put-together. You take pride in your appearance. You’re one of those people who enjoys putting a cute outfit together and applying makeup every morning. High maintenance people refuse to step out of their homes looking disheveled—it’s just not in their nature. 2. People know where not to take you.

Are high maintenance people always out partying?

There’s a common misconception that high maintenance people are always out partying. This couldn’t be more false. If you’re actually high maintenance, you know the importance of a good night’s sleep, which means you’re in bed by 9:30 pm (at the latest).

Are You high maintenance because you think money is important?

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You need money to feel good. You need money for everything; hair appointments, skincare products, clothes, and rent. Money makes the world go round. You’re not high maintenance because you think money is crucial, you’re high maintenance because you admit it. People can’t handle the truth!

Are You a high maintenance perfectionist or high maintenance?

If you think you’re a perfectionist, that could be a sign you’re actually high maintenance. Perfectionists want everything to be 100\% perfect. You want everything to be up to your standards. Do you see the difference? If everyone around you thinks you’re slightly stuck up, they’re probably right. 14. You have high expectations.