Is it OK to drink Snapple?

Is it OK to drink Snapple?

Diet Snapple contains aspartame, which has been dubbed one of the most toxic food additives, according to Fitness Magazine. It’s even been linked to cancer and brain tumors! The citric acid used in most flavors of Snapple has been linked to tooth erosion, meaning that your daily Snapple could cost you your smile.

Is Snapple All Natural?

Snapple has for years relied on the “all natural” and “made from the best stuff on earth” positionings, as these commercials (below) show.

Does Snapple use real sugar?

hfcs backlash. Snapple To Switch To Real Sugar Instead Of HFCS. The new version: “filtered water, sugar, citric acid, tea, natural flavors.” Calories: 160. The beverage maker also announced that it will redesign its bottle so it will actually fit into your cup holder.

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Does Snapple keep you hydrated?

Try Snapple teas – The all natural Snapple Straight Up Tea and the Diet Peach Snapple are both tasty, natural, and an easy way to stay hydrated while drinking something delicious. Add ice – When the ice melts in your drink, you’re getting in some extra hydration that is flavored like whatever you were drinking.

How long is Snapple good for?

They do have a shelf life, this is the time period in which the flavors and carbonation will be at their peak. However, the flavor and/or carbonation may be at their peak well passed this time period. Snapple Diet Lemon Tea in a 20 oz bottle has a shelf life of 6 months from the date of production.”

Is Snapple a Coke product?

Dr Pepper Snapple already sells many of its beverages through Coca-Cola Enterprises, the big Atlanta-based bottler. This is the second windfall for Dr Pepper Snapple this year. Dr Pepper Snapple reaped $900 million from Coca-Cola’s main rival, PepsiCo, which bought its two biggest bottlers in February.

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Is Snapple really all that bad for You?

Short answer. Snapple is bad for you. It may contain very few ingredients, but they are not healthy. When consumed regularly, Snapple can lead to a host of negative effects.

Is Snapple bad for your teeth?

yes, snapple stains your teeth, too. NOMtacular! Basically any beverage with color can – soda, wine, tea, etc. Yes, it will stain your teeth however it is probably really not as bad for your teeth as Diet Coke considering it isn’t carbonated–the carbonation is horrible for your teeth.

Is Diet Snapple bad for You?

Diet Snapple is bad for you. Regular consumption over the long-term may lead to several complications, including cancer.

Does Diet Snapple have sugar?

Diet Snapple is made with aspartame instead of real sugar! It doesn’t contain any sugar whatsoever! Tags: real sugar, aspartame, sugar.