
Is it OK to stop helping someone?

Is it OK to stop helping someone?

Helping others is supposed to be about raising them higher not pulling you down. It’s ok to push back when someone tries to force you in this kind of situation. Stop supporting someone when it means you are no longer taking care of yourself. This is unsustainable and everyone ends up losing.

How do you help your friends?

8 Ways to Really Help a Friend in Need

  1. Be Specific in Your Offers of Help.
  2. Don’t Force Your Help on Them.
  3. Only Offer Help That You Are Genuinely Able to Give.
  4. Don’t Assume You Know What’s Best For Them.
  5. Remember That Small Thoughtful Gestures Go a Long Way.
  6. Be Someone They Can Trust.
  7. Listen More Than Talk.

How do you deal with people who won’t help themselves?

Just accept them for who they are, flaws and all, then decide for yourself if it is worth it to you. If it is, patience is a virtue. If not, then keep a hand out but watch out for yourself as well. No need for two people who won’t help themselves. ~April Spears

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How can you help someone who is not willing to learn?

People have to come to where they need to be to get their lessons. You can’t help someone who is not willing. But you can love them through it. Send light and love and hold them in your heart space. I had to hit my own bottom and dead end to turn around and climb back up…when I was ready and willing. ~Karen Blake

What should you do when someone you know is struggling with addiction?

Give an ear to listen to troubles and a shoulder to cry on. Give them a ride to a job interview or to a rehab clinic. Give them contact information for resources you trust. Don’t just hand out cash. Remember also that handing out cash destabilizes your own situation, making it harder for you to provide the other kinds of help that you might offer.

How can I help a friend who is struggling with depression?

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You can help them by just being there and being supportive. You can still plant seeds. Most minds are so conditioned it is almost impossible to shed any light on their world. So just smile, nod, suggest, and if it does not help then move on with no regret because you tried.