
Is it okay to ask your partner how many people they slept with?

Is it okay to ask your partner how many people they slept with?

“If you ask your partner how many people they’ve slept with and they tell you, try not to judge them,” advises Saddington. “You wanted to know after all. “If they’d rather not tell you, it’s fine to ask why this is, but don’t push them into it and respect their privacy if they say they’d rather not.

How many guys is too many for a girl to have slept with?

Women are generally more flexible than men when it comes to their partners’ sexual history, viewing 15.2 partners as “too promiscuous.” Men said they prefer partners with 14 or less. Clearly, the “ideal” number varies from person to person.

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Is it common for a guy to worry about his girlfriend’s sexual past?

Ask a woman who has dared reveal her number to someone who considers it too high, and she’ll surely tell you a story of being “slut-shamed.” It’s quite common for a guy to worry about a girlfriend’s sexual past.

Why do so many women lie about their number?

This is the real reason why so many men get so filled with rage at sexually experienced women. And of course, it’s the real reason so many women feel compelled to lie about their number. Too many women have told their boyfriends their real number, only to be nagged incessantly for explicit details.

Should you ask a girl if she likes or Loves You?

If you feel like you have to ask her why she doesn’t like you – get a book on attraction and study it like it’s a driving test you HAVE TO PASS or else you’ll lose your job, apartment, AND your balls. “There’s never a reason to ask a woman if she likes or loves you.

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How does a woman feel when you tell her you like her?

“Telling or showing a woman that you “like her” has no effect on how she feels about YOU.” You might as well ask her if SHE thinks your fat and ugly at the same time. Seriously, you’ll NEVER get a real answer, at least one you can use. She’ll only spare your feelings so she “feels good about herself.