Tips and tricks

Is it okay to use electronics with a concussion?

Is it okay to use electronics with a concussion?

No research proves any detrimental effects of using electronics while recovering from a sports-related concussion. Based on that, clinicians discourage the blanket prohibition of electronics, computers, television, video games, and texting.

Can I use my phone with a mild concussion?

Generally, after suffering a concussion, patients are encouraged to avoid reading, watching TV and using mobile devices to help their brains heal.

Is it OK to watch TV with a mild concussion?

Reading, computer work, playing video games, texting and watching TV can overstimulate your brain, says Dr. Figler. It’s OK to try these activities, but if symptoms occur, you should stop, rest and recover before returning to them.

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What happens if you use screens with a concussion?

In any case, there’s no research to indicate that looking at screens is inherently harmful after a concussion — though in some cases staring at the TV or computer could make post-concussion headaches worse.

What should you watch after a mild concussion?

Common symptoms after a concussive traumatic brain injury are headache, loss of memory (amnesia) and confusion. The amnesia usually involves forgetting the event that caused the concussion. Physical signs and symptoms of a concussion may include: Headache.

How long should you not use electronics after a concussion?

A period of total rest should be observed immediately following the concussion, generally not longer than 48 hours. Gradual phasing in of screen time can follow, starting with 5-15 minutes at a time. Patients can maintain or increase electronics use as long as it does not worsen symptoms.

How long does it take for a mild concussion to heal?

Concussion recovery and treatment. Approximately 80 percent of concussions resolve over seven to 14 days, with an average of 10 days. People with concussions should never return to sports or other physical activity sooner than one week from sustaining the injury.

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Is it safe to use electronics after a concussion?

On the one hand, bright, artificial light can affect post-concussion headaches, migraines and other neurological symptoms, particularly LED and LCD screens. 8 Yet, clearly total avoidance of devices is not appropriate either. So how can people who experience a concussion use their screens safely in the days and weeks following the injury?

Is your iPad hurting your concussion recovery?

If you’re at home recovering from a concussion, you should probably give your iPad some time off, too. That is the conclusion of a new study from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, where researchers have determined that the mental exertion of electronics may significantly prolong the recovery period.

How long should I avoid screen time after a concussion?

A period of total rest should be observed immediately following the concussion, generally not longer than 48 hours Gradual phasing in of screen time can follow, starting with 5-15 minutes at a time Patients can maintain or increase electronics use as long as it does not worsen symptoms

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How long does it take to recover from a concussion?

Use Of Electronics After Concussion May Double Recovery Time. The team found that the subjects who reported the most mental activity needed about 100 days to get back on their feet. For those who gave their brains rest, the period was cut in half: subjects reporting little to no activity had no residual symptoms after 50 days.