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Is it possible for siblings to not look alike?

Is it possible for siblings to not look alike?

At first it might seem like kids from the same parents should look alike. But brothers and sisters don’t look exactly alike because everyone (including parents) actually has two copies of most of their genes. And these copies can be different. Parents pass one of their two copies of each of their genes to their kids.

Why do siblings resemble each other?

It’s because of genes. Each of us receives traits– in the form of genes, from our mother and father. This passing of genes from parent to child is the basis of inheritance. This genetic link to your parents accounts for family resemblance such as shared eye color or freckles.

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Do we have to get on with our siblings?

There’s no law that says we have to get on with our siblings. Thankfully, most of us have pretty good family dynamics. But some people have toxic sibling relationships. So what’s the difference between say typical sibling rivalries to toxic sibling relationships?

Can you keep a relationship with a toxic sibling?

For folks with toxic siblings, it can take a lot of work to keep a relationship going. And you find that you don’t even really want to try.

Why do siblings look different from each other?

Different genetic combinations make different looks. The parents still have the same genes, but depending on which genes are given to the embryo during development, the traits will change. my little bro got a lot of recessive traits, but my older bro and i got more dominant traits. Why do siblings look different?

Is it normal to be scared of being around your siblings?

It’s normal to feel a touch of shyness around some family members, especially those you don’t see very often. But if true anxiety flares up whenever you’re around a certain sibling, or you sweat at the thought of having to interact with them, take note.