
Is it possible to increase body width?

Is it possible to increase body width?

You can’t change your bone structure, which is determined mostly by genetics. This includes the width of the collarbones, an important part of shoulder width. However, you can build up and develop muscular shoulders.

How can I widen my back at home?

10 Effective Exercises That’ll Reward You With a Wider Back

  1. One-arm dumbbell row.
  2. Close grip pull-ups.
  3. Wide-grip pull-ups.
  4. Standing cable pullover.
  5. Reverse grip bent-over rows.
  6. Straight-arm dumbbell pullover.
  7. Lat pulldown.
  8. Seated cable low row.

How can I increase my body size/weight?

Feeding your body is like loading a truck. You cant add more load beyond its capacity. The healthy way of increasing body size/weight is split your meals into small intervals. Eat small meals every 3 hours. Maintain balanced diet. Increase protein foods. (Doesn’t mean you need protein shakes or whey protein).

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How can I increase the width of my Delt?

The main exercise to enhance delt width are side laterals, these can be done with dumbbells or cables. You can do this exercise one arm at a time, or with both arms. Power partials are a good variation on regular dumbbell laterals; with these you warm-up, go to a heavy weight and do partial range side laterals.

How can I make my back look wider?

Width, especially in the delts and lats, along with a smaller waist will bring out the coveted V taper. By increasing your shoulder width and decreasing your waist size, you can appear several inches wider. Bring out the lat width and you have that wide “cobra” look to your back.

How important is width to a bodybuilder?

For the average hardcore bodybuilder, size is the most important. Oh, sure, you need good proportion among all the muscle groups, complete development and all, but really, most of us care about size first. One way to enhance how big you look is to enhance your width.