Tips and tricks

Is it possible to travel between parallel universes?

Is it possible to travel between parallel universes?

If you are an advocate of a multiple big bang multiverse, then that would mean that leaving our universe to travel to another would be just as impossible as travelling back to the time before the big bang that resulted in our universe even happened. No matter—you’ve worn them both, in two separate parallel universes.

Can we go to other universes?

Even if the universe is infinite, we may never know because we’ll likely never be able to travel an infinite distance in finite time. We could attempt to travel just far enough that we run into alternate versions of ourselves, but that may be just as impossibe. First of all, the universe is constantly getting bigger.

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Why can’t I go through mirrors?

Perhaps mirrors are windows to parallel universes and the reason you cannot go through is that your parallel self keeps blocking your every move. Is that a good theory? I’d say it’s pretty darn good for a three-year-old. And it might work as a joke, or as poetry.

What if mirrors are windows to parallel universes?

It is not “what if” but “perhaps” and not “the reason is because” but “the reason is that,” and the impersonal singular “you” is preferable to the plural-yet-singular, personal-yet-impersonal “we”: Perhaps mirrors are windows to parallel universes and the reason you cannot go through is that your parallel self keeps blocking your every move.

What is a parallel world?

Parallel worlds or parallel universes or multiple universes or alternate universes or the metaverse, megaverse, or multiverse — they’re all synonymous and they’re all among the words used to embrace not just our universe but a spectrum of others that may be out there. You’ll notice that the terms are somewhat vague.

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Do other universes exist?

Brian Greene: A Physicist Explains ‘The Hidden Reality’ Of Parallel Universes It is possible that there are many other universes that exist parallel to our universe. Theoretical physicist Brian Greene, author of The Elegant Universe, explains how that’s possible in the new book, The Hidden Reality.