
Is it safe for older people to ride motorcycles?

Is it safe for older people to ride motorcycles?

Regardless of the age of the rider, any person who decides to ride a motorcycle is at an increased risk of accident and fatal injury than is the driver of a motor vehicle. While motorcycle riding may be dangerous for all, senior motorcycle riders may have an even greater risk of being involved in a crash.

How old does a motorcycle have to be to be tax exempt?

Modified motorcycles over 40 years old are still tax-exempt, but you may still be required to MOT the vehicle. The law states that ‘Most vehicles manufactured or first registered over 40 years ago will be exempt from periodic testing unless they have been substantially changed. ‘

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How hard is it to ride a motorcycle in winter?

Depends on your health and fitness level. Some years ago, I had some exchanges over email with a man from the US, he was 75 years old at the time and used to ride motorcycles, daily , even in winters, which if you know about Cleveland (city in Ohio state) and its winters, will tell you how hard winters can be for riding.

Are older motorcyclists more likely to crash?

Graphic by Dr. Lewis Kaplan. A few final comments: A recent study noted that older motorcyclists were more likely to crash on high-speed highways and rural roads, more likely to need intensive care, more likely to be operating large-displacement motorcycles and perhaps most importantly, to be returning riders.

Is motorcycle riding good for your mental health?

Your Life isn’t Lived unless you take risks and motorcycle riding does come with that element, yet your mental health gives you the drive to keep moving forward. A doctor once told me don’t retire unless you have a positive plan in place to fill your employment void.

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Why did you sell your motor bikes?

I sold my motor bikes because the MS made my riding dangerous. After years of working on the body I regained my balance and strength.