
Is it worth paying for advertising?

Is it worth paying for advertising?

The short answer is: Yes, advertising is worth it! If you run an ad in the paper that costs $500 but only 1 new person called you and they only spent $200 on your products or services, that’s ineffective advertising that consumed more cash than it generated for your business –that serves nobody well!

Is it worth spending money on advertising?

The U.S. Small Business Administration recommends spending 7 to 8 percent of your gross revenue for marketing and advertising if you’re doing less than $5 million a year in sales and your net profit margin—after all expenses—is in the 10 percent to 12 percent range.

How do I promote an answer on Quora?

To promote an answer, first ensure you have a Quora Ads account by creating one at Next, identify an answer you would like to promote. Then, login to your Ads Manager and create a campaign. After you’ve created your ad campaign and selected your targeting, you’ll be asked to choose the ad creative.

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What are promoted answers on Quora?

Promoted Answers are answers on Quora that an individual or business has promoted in order to reach a wider group of people who may be interested in a particular answer or the product or service it describes. All promoted answers are clearly labeled with a “Promoted by” label and the name of the individual or business who is promoting the answer.

How much does it cost to advertise on Quora?

She was able to accomplish all of this with just $250 to start! With the Promoted Answers ad type, advertisers now have the opportunity to push a question to the top of the page—which will, of course, also push your answer to the top of the page, too.

How do promoted answers ads work?

With the Promoted Answers ad type, advertisers now have the opportunity to push a question to the top of the page—which will, of course, also push your answer to the top of the page, too. Users can start reading the answer, then click a “more” link to read your entire answer if they choose.