Tips and tricks

Is it wrong to hook up with someone your friend hooked up with?

Is it wrong to hook up with someone your friend hooked up with?

Friends hooking up happens and there’s nothing wrong with it, but it’s important to know that familiarity plus sex does not always equal love. A range of outcomes can occur, some more difficult than others. Ask yourself if you’re really ready for them. And make sure to talk to your friend about it first.

How do I talk to my friend about my crush?

Whatever way around things are, you have to talk to your friend at some point. Make sure you do so coming at it from a good space. If she likes your crush and is embarrassed about it tell her you’d appreciate her sharing her feelings. You don’t mind her feelings, but you, as her friend would love her to be honest with you.

Should you apologize to your crush or your friend’s love interest?

On the flip side, if you’re the friend that started dating your pal’s love interest, you might want to brush up on your apology skills. Above all, whichever side of this you’re on, know that your feelings are valid, and that you will move on — whether it’s from your crush or your friend.

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How do you deal with a breakup with your best friend?

Give yourself permission to walk away from the situation for a little while. Even after you’ve spoken with your friend, you might need some time to adjust and heal — and that might mean avoiding seeing the two of them together for a bit. “It’s okay to stay away from or leave any situation in which you feel uncomfortable,” Hasha says.

How did you become best friends with your best friend?

I became best friends with my best friend because we had a crush on the same guy and took up dancing because of it (he was a dancer). I simply jogged up to her in PE and told her. That was a long time ago. In the end we fell more in love with dancing than with the guy, but the moral of the story is honesty.