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Is it wrong to love a person who is already married?

Is it wrong to love a person who is already married?

You can be happily married but fall in with love someone else after marriage – and while that may sound like the beginning of an extramarital affair, it may not always be true. There can be many reasons why despite being married you constantly find yourself thinking about someone else.

What do you do when you love someone who is married?

What should you do if you’re married but in love with someone else?

  1. Talk to loved ones.
  2. Communicate with your partner.
  3. Set some boundaries and remove the temptation.
  4. You need to fill the gap your spouse has left.
  5. You want to be appreciated.
  6. You long to feel good about yourself again.
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Is it wrong to love someone who is married and child-bearing?

It’s never wrong to love someone with a child and who is married. But, you shouldn’t try to get them to love you or have an affair. Just tell them your feelings and say that you don’t want to break them up and let it be. I’m sure everything will work out 🙂

What happens if the married man you’re in love with has kids?

If there are kids involved, you’re playing with fire. If the married man you’re in love with has kids with his wife, you’ve got yourself into an incredibly complex situation. If he were to leave his wife for you, that would seriously affect his relationship with his kids.

Is it wrong to love a single man with a child?

There are enough single men out there. It’s never wrong to love someone with a child and who is married. But, you shouldn’t try to get them to love you or have an affair. Just tell them your feelings and say that you don’t want to break them up and let it be.

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Is it possible to love a married man?

Loving and dating a married man can be extremely painful and seldom works out well in the long run. The ups can leave you over the moon with a great feeling of love and comfort and the downs can be all consuming, leaving one bitter and rejected.