
Is Joomla a PHP framework?

Is Joomla a PHP framework?

The Joomla! Framework is a framework for writing web and command line applications in PHP. It is free and open source software, distributed under the GNU General Public License version 2 or later. It is composed of code originally developed for the Joomla Content Management System (CMS).

Is Joomla a programming language?

Joomla is not a programming language, while it is developed with the help of the programming language that is PHP. Joomla is a popular CMS (Content Management System).

Who made Joomla?

Joomla’s original co-founders, Andrew Eddie, Brian Teeman, Johan Janssens, Jean-Marie Simonet et al., established Open Source Matters, Inc. (OSM) to distribute information to the software community. Project leader Eddie wrote a letter that appeared on the announcements section of the public forum at

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Is Joomla an operating system?

Joomla (/ˈdʒuːm….Joomla.

show Screenshot
Written in PHP
Operating system Unix-like, Windows, Linux
Size 25.7 MB (compressed) 62.0 MB (uncompressed)

Who owns Joomla?

Open Source Matters, Inc.
Joomla is developed by a community of volunteers supported with the legal, organisational and financial resources of Open Source Matters, Inc. Joomla is written in PHP, uses object-oriented programming techniques and software design patterns, and stores data in a MySQL database.

Is Joomla free to use?

Easy to Use Joomla is open source and entirely free to use. But free doesn’t mean it lacks in features. In fact, the completely user-friendly interface will amaze you with its WYSIWYG feature that gives you exactly the same results. Another factor to feel good about is that the frequent updates.

Why Joomla is the best content management system for your website?

It helps you build powerful dynamic websites and applications. It has an intuitive interface that helps you use its features and functionality to the fullest. Joomla has gained huge popularity over the last decade and successfully grown into one of the most widely used content management systems globally.

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What kind of database is used in a Joomla website?

Joomla is written in PHP and use MySQL database to store the data while using object-oriented programming techniques. It can be set up with one-click install through web hosting control panel.

How many extensions are there in Joomla?

Around 6,000 extensions are available from the Joomla website, and more are available from other sources. As of 2021, it was estimated to be the third most used CMS on the Internet, after WordPress and Shopify. Joomla has a web template system using a template processor.