Tips and tricks

Is Karma a quantum physics?

Is Karma a quantum physics?

There is no quantum physics perspective on the doctrine of karma. Quantum physics describes the behaviour of subatomic particles using mathematics. The various doctrines of karma purport to describe the fate of human beings.

What did the Jains believe stuck to beings to cause karma?

According to the major Jain text, Tattvartha sutra: Wrong belief, non-abstinence, negligence, passions, and activities are the causes of bondage. The individual self attracts particles of matter which are fit to turn into karma, as the self is actuated by passions. This is bondage.

What is the difference between quantum physics and Vedanta?

On the surface Quantum Physics (QP) and Vedanta may look very different. One is part of the scientific tradition and the other in some ways is philosophy, some may even call it religion. Science is trying to understand the universe ‘out there’ and Vedanta is trying to understand the universe ‘inside you’.

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What is Vedanta and Science in science?

Science examines the universe ‘out there’, and Vedanta digs deep to discover the ‘subject within’; who is interacting with this universe. The universe comprises both the external world and the observer. It is easy to assume that the universe is a giant machine running on the principle of cause and effect.

What is the stand of Vedanta?

The stand of Vedanta is simple, there is an Existence-Consciousness-Bliss which serves as the backdrop of everything that has quantum appearance. Vedanta delves deeper into the immovable permanent Reality. It continues and completes the puzzle created by Quantum physics.

What is the origin of the universe according to Advaita Vedanta?

But the claim of Advaita Vedanta is that at the end, there will be found to be only one Substance as the origin of the universe. This Substance will be continuous and not particulate, ie, analogue and not digital, so to say. But it will also not be of wave type, since it is homogenous, without change in any direction.