
Is machine learning in high demand?

Is machine learning in high demand?

Employment website Indeed.com has listed machine learning engineer as #1 among The Best Jobs in the U.S., citing a 344\% rate of growth and a median salary of $146,085 per year. Overall, computer and information technology jobs are booming, with employment projected to grow 11\% from 2019 to 2029.

Is AI ML a fad?

AI isn’t a fad, it’s the way to progress The problems of the future will only be getting harder. After you automate the simple tasks, you’ll want to move on to bigger challenges.

Does AI and ML have scope?

AI & ML engineering will produce an immense amount of career opportunities for the future. Gartner’s study is expected to clear the way for up to 2.3 million prospects by 2020, according to Artificial Intelligence (AI). And, in the last three years, vacancies in artificial intelligence have duplicated.

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Is there an oversaturation of machine learning engineers?

There is a huge oversaturation of people who took a Coursera or edex class with no experience or theoretical knowledge applying to machine learning engineering positions. There is an undersaturation of people with master’s and PhDs in machine learning who can actually perform good research and development in the field.

Is machine learning a saturated field?

In my opinion, machine learning is heavily saturated with observers or spectactors, but not with actual engineers or researchers. Many, many people are interested in what AI/ML can do. They talk about autonomous vehicles, Amazon Alexa, and other interesting products.

What jobs are most likely to become oversaturated in the future?

Any field that offers high salary, reasonable hours, and (temporarily, at least) high demand will be oversaturated with job seekers in about 4–7 years depending on just how high the demand is and how hyped it gets.

How important is machine learning in software engineering?

Just saying “machine learning” is very generic. There are a lot of different topics covered under the umbrella of ML, and so a lot of different things to study. It’s one of the most important and effective fields of software engineering today.