
Is Meruem a good written villain?

Is Meruem a good written villain?

Meruem, despite never really interacting with the protagonist, is the perfect foil to the protagonist, and that makes him an excellent villain. He is a fully fleshed out character, he’s complex rather than 1 dimensional, and viewing him as truly evil is impossible.

Why Meruem is the best villain?

Despite appearing as a humanoid, Meruem is a completely foreign being. Chimera Ants are odd creatures and he lacked any shred of humanity, even more so than some of the lesser Chimera Ants. He seemed almost surprised when he felt any emotions, and that’s what makes him such a great villain.

Is Madara a better villain than pain?

While his intentions were good, Madara ended up going down the wrong path, making him a villain just like Pain. Although both sought peace in their own way, there were times when Madara Uchiha did things much better than Pain, making him a villain in a league of his own.

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Who is the best villain in HXH?

Hunter x Hunter: 10 Best Villains, Ranked

  • 10 Genthru. Certainly one of the less popular antagonists in Hunter x Hunter, Genthru appeared in the Greed Island arc and made quite an impact.
  • 9 Uvogin.
  • 8 Menthuthuyoupi.
  • 7 Feitan.
  • 6 Shaiapouf.
  • 5 Illumi Zoldyck.
  • 4 Neferpitou.
  • 3 Meruem.

Is Madara the greatest villain in anime?

In Naruto, the contest for best villain is between Madara and Momoshiki. As a series, Naruto has some incredible characters, which have made it one of the most loved anime in the world. Madara and Momoshiki are among two of the strongest villains in the series.

Why was Pain the best villain?

With the power of his borrowed Rinnegan eyes, Pain can use the power of the Six Paths Technique. The most incredible ability is The Outer Path which allows Pain to distribute his chakra to six corpses and control them. There definitely isn’t any other villain in the series quite like Pain when it comes to ability.

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Is Meruem better than Chrollo as an antagonist?

Chrollo leads the Phantom Troupe while Meruem was introduced to the fans as the King of the Chimera Ants. Both of these characters do quite a good role as an antagonist, however, they both possess different qualities which make them stand out. Undoubtedly, both of them are great in their own ways, but each surpasses the other in different areas.

How has Meruem changed in the MCU?

Meruem might have been the strongest of all characters in the series and a King, however, by the end of the Chimera Ant arc, he was changing greatly due to his emotional growth. With human emotions and flaws that fans could relate to, Meruem is a character who everyone came to love.

How would you characterize Meruem’s growth as a character?

As mentioned earlier, Meruem’s growth through the Chimera Ant arc is magnificently shown. Slowly, he learns all about what human emotions are thanks to Komugi and Netero. Although he is flawed, he is someone who has many layers to him, unlike Chrollo.

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Why do people like Meruem so much?

With human emotions and flaws that fans could relate to, Meruem is a character who everyone came to love. His love for Komugi is specifically what made him a beloved character in the Hunter x Hunter fandom. Chrollo is portrayed to be a big badass with strong Nen abilities up his sleeve but there’s still a lot that fans don’t know about him.