Tips and tricks

Is physics or chemistry more useful for engineering?

Is physics or chemistry more useful for engineering?

Of course, all three are important for any engineering specialization, but if you want to be a chemical engineer, obviously chemistry will be the most important to you. But to get into a good engineering school, I think you must have good grades in at least maths and physics.

Do Engineers like physics?

The short answer is: yes, you can still be a good engineer even if you don’t “understand physics”. The degree to which an engineer uses physics varies depending upon the type of engineering and career. For example, if you are a civil engineer and design bridges, then you will need to understand stresses and forces.

What is best career after 12th science?

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Career Options after 12th Science

Careers Eligibility
Data Scientist from IT or computer science
Veterinarian B.V.Sc. & A.H. BVMS
Agricultural Scientist masters degree in Agri-Botany/ Agri-Biotechnology/ Agri-Chemistry/ Agri-Economic/ Social forestry.
Biomedical Engineer Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering

Should I choose Physics or engineering as a major?

You might say that Physicists Do the Research and Engineers do the Development. Both are indispensable and you would do well in either profession, but they require very different skill sets. Basically, you need to figure out which side of the problem your brain prefers and take that path. Originally Answered: What major should I choose?

Can I become a physicist with a bachelor’s degree in physics?

You will not get a job as a Physicist with only a bachelor’s degree, you need a PhD for that. I know more than one person who did there undergrad in Physics, only to return and do a Master’s in Electrical Engineering when they learned they had trouble fitting in the job market to pay them consistent with their skills and intelligence.

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What is the difference between a physicist and an engineer?

Physicists try to understand first principles of how the world works by observing how it behaves. Engineers on the other hand take those, now understood first principles, and use them to solve real world problems. I’ll give you an example.

Can I go to graduate school in physics with eeee?

EE graduate programs typically accept students from a wide range of undergraduate backgrounds, including physics, math, computer science, statistics, etc. But to do grad school in Physics, you pretty much need to have a BS degree in Physics. I would look into what career tracks and skills look most promising.