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Is polytechnic a good choice?

Is polytechnic a good choice?

Yes, the scope for the polytechnic diploma holders is good in India. Candidates after completion of diploma can work in government and private companies. They can also study BE / BTech after completion of a three year diploma.

Is polytechnic is good for future?

The future of the polytechnic in India is very good. Diploma holders after completion of diploma can work in government and private companies. They can also study BE / BTech or AMIE after completion of a three years diploma. It is best to opt Polytechnic course to have a better career in India.

Which is better polytechnic or 11th 12th?

According to me, 12th is better than polytechnic as it provides you a lot of knowledge and the competition is high in case of 12th. Polytechnic is good too but then it is useful for one’s who can take up a particular field in engineering.

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Is polytechnic easy or hard?

All courses are equal & hard or easy depends upon the student & his background. Not any branch is hard in polytechnic. But best for job is mining ,civil ,electrical..and that depends on your hardwork almost all branches is equivalent to each other.

Is polytechnic better than university?

With the experience gained from practical skills in the polytechnic, they can become successful entrepreneurs compared to university graduates. It is easier to gain admission to a polytechnic than a university.

Is Polytechnic better or engineering?

Answer. Polytechnic is 3 year diploma course while BTech is 4 year degree course. Degree holders deserves much better posts in any organisation as compared to diploma holders (in general). Degree courses develop you technically as well as it will add to your personality development.

Can I join polytechnic after 10th?

Students can opt for polytechnic after Class 10th or 12th which adds to their professional qualification. Several advantages after Diploma in Electrical Engineering Field. Various job offers after Diploma in Engineering. Candidate will be offered as Junior Engineer and can apply many Government and Private sector jobs.

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Is Diploma tough after 10th?

For getting admission in government diploma/polytechnic college you will have to crack entrance examination which is organised by the state government. Examination pattern is simple and easy to crack. Questions will be asked from 10th standard so it would not be tough for you to crack.

What is the toughest branch in polytechnic?

Electrical engineering is considered to be one of the toughest Engineering courses by the students, mostly because of the abstract thinking involved.

Is Polytechnic a good option for engineering?

the polytechnic course gives you a good future because it gives you options in each and every aspect of your career- for higher education, you can join simply graduation or engineering In engineering, you can join directly in 2nd year. the knowledge you have got during Polytechnic will help you in your engineering.

What should one know before entering polytechnic?

Here are 7 things one should know before entering polytechnic. 1. Don’t underestimate the stress levels You probably heard that life in poly is slack and full of freedom. It may be one of the reasons you didn’t want to go to junior college.

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What is Polytechnic like in Singapore?

Polytechnics in Singapore adopt a more relaxed environment compared to secondary school, which allows students to focus on independent learning. And it’s a huge jump from what you’re used to in secondary school. Here are 7 things one should know before entering polytechnic.

Do polytechnic schools exist in the US?

In the US, polytechnic schools have effectively disappeared, at least in name. Most of them changed their names away from “polytechnic” because of the association with blue-collar jobs. However, polytechnic education is alive and well, regardless of what name it has.