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Is Post Graduate Diploma equivalent to Masters in Australia?

Is Post Graduate Diploma equivalent to Masters in Australia?

A Postgraduate Diploma is considered academically over the level of a Bachelor’s, but under a Master’s level.

Is Australian Education Recognised in Canada?

Australian degrees and experiences are well regarded in Canada.

Can I do Masters after post graduate diploma?

Postgraduate Diplomas can usually be extended towards achieving a full Master’s degree, such as a Master of Science or Master of Arts, at a later time.

Is a PG Diploma worth anything in Canada?

Yes, PG Diploma has value in Canada. You can get a good job and permanent residence in Canada with 1 year as well as 2 year PG diploma. Remember: PG and Master’s degrees in Canada do not have equal value. You must understand that a Master’s degree is academically better or higher than a PG diploma.

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Is it better to get a PG diploma or master’s degree?

If you wish to make your decision based on the value and worth of your degree, it is better to go for a Master’s program over a PG diploma. A Master’s degree is considered academically stronger and can help you pursue further education like a PhD.

Should I get a PGDM or a master’s degree in Canada?

You can get a good job as well as PR with either a PG diploma or a Master’s degree in Canada. Here is our suggestion: If you have a low score in bachelor’s and low finances then PGDM is better than a master’s degree for you. If you have good grades and enough budget then a master’s degree in Canada is definitely a good choice.

What is the difference between diploma and masters degree in Canada?

Tuition Fees: Fees for masters are higher as compared to a diploma. If we talk about PG diploma its fees range around from 7k Canadian Dollar to 20k Canadian Dollar per year and for masters is between 13k to 25k Canadian Dollars.