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Is Python going to be the future?

Is Python going to be the future?

Python will be the language of the future. Python programming language is better used for app development, web app or web development, game development, scientific computing, system administration, etc. There are several traits of this programming tool which has provided it with an incredibly successful journey.

Why Python is not future of ML?

Like Python is not the future of machine learning. It can’t be. You know, it’s so nicely hackable, but it’s so frustrating to work with a language where you can’t do anything fast enough unless you call out to some external code or C code, and you can’t run anything in parallel unless you put in a whole other process.

Will rust overtake Python in the future?

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Given Rust’s rapidly growing popularity and wide range of use cases, it seems almost inevitable that it will overtake Python in the near future. Below are some reasons why. One major reason why Rust is overtaking Python is performance.

Will Python replace C and Java as the most popular programming language?

Tiobe analysts believe that within three to four years’ time, Python will “probably replace C and Java” to become the most popular programming language in the world. Java, the most popular language, has an index rating of 15 percent, while C has a rating of 13.3 percent.

Why is Python so popular?

Python’s popularity is being driven by strong growth in software engineering plus the language’s usability, compared with Java and C, according to Tiobe, which bases its index on search-engine queries. “The main reason for this is that software engineering is booming. It attracts lots of newcomers to the field.

How much time are IT professionals spending on Python?

As ZDNet sister site TechRepublic reported recently, a study of 12 million IT professionals found that the total amount of hours spent on Python training jumped 20 percent from 2017 to 2018, amounting to an increase of nearly 200,000 hours.

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